The Journalists Association for Diversity (SEJUK) was established in 2008 by journalists from various mainstream media, human rights and inter-faith dialogue activists, and writers. This organization was born in a tendency towards increasing conservatism among journalists and the media coverage that accused minority groups, victims of discrimination and violence in the name of religion.
SEJUK’s vision is the formation of a society, with the support of mass media, which respects, protects and maintains its diversity as part of the promotion of human rights. Its mission is to empower and develop the capacity of the mass media through various activities and programs related to diversity issues. Therefore, the media produces news that promote tolerance and peace.
Problems remain on the lack of journalists’ perspective in pluralism and human rights as well as their incompliance with the Code of Ethics and Broadcasting Guidelines and Program Standards (P3SPS). Cases such as the rejection of Ahmadiyya, Shia, the establishment of the churches and LGBTIQ were reported in a tone of blaming, accusing, stigmatizing and labeling victims as heretical, deviant or infectious diseases.
As one of the pillars of democracy, media has significant roles and influences on the public mindset. Therefore, the development of peaceful journalism in the scope of freedom of religion or belief, ethnic, diversity of gender and sexuality is a necessity for Indonesia in the rise of sectarianism.
SEJUK works through various activities such as training for journalists, workshop and publication that include victims or survivors together with some experts. SEJUK targets youth who work on campus journalist. With workshop, SEJUK invites them to visit marginalized groups, such as minority religion, including local religions, and LGBTIQ. SEJUK also conducts specific workshop for survivors and minority groups in order to empower community to deal with mainstream and social media. SEJUK gives fellowship of diversity coverage for journalists.
Every two year, SEJUK conducts Diversity Award for journalist who promotes and defends diversity. In the last three years, SEJUK has been promoting diversity journalism in Southeast Asia.