Humanity should be the Main Principle of Media’s Coverage on LGBT
The Editor-in-Chief of Tribun Medan Syarif Dayan together with editor Truly Okto Purba and their journalist, Kartika Sari, as well ...
The Editor-in-Chief of Tribun Medan Syarif Dayan together with editor Truly Okto Purba and their journalist, Kartika Sari, as well ...
When religious doctrines make the LGBTIQ community more miserable, a reinterpretation of the biblical texts that marginalizes them is urgently ...
Serikat Jurnalis untuk Keberagaman (SEJUK) didirikan tahun 2008 oleh para jurnalis dari berbagai media mainstream, aktivis hak asasi manusia (HAM), dialog antar-iman dan penulis.
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