Daniel Awigra is a human rights activist and currently serves as the Deputy Director of the HRWG – Indonesia’s NGO Coalition for the International Human Rights Advocacy, an umbrella group of Indonesian civil society that has advocated for greater ASEAN integration for the past several years. More recently, he is one of the members of Indonesia’s Green Party (Partai Hijau Indonesia; www.hijau.org), a new political party which brings the environmental protection, anti-corruption and human rights as the main agenda. He co-founded the Journalist Association for Diversity (SEJUK) in 2008. He holds an MSc in International Relations from the University of Indonesia.
Serikat Jurnalis untuk Keberagaman (SEJUK) didirikan tahun 2008 oleh para jurnalis dari berbagai media mainstream, aktivis hak asasi manusia (HAM), dialog antar-iman dan penulis.
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